Monday, 26 March 2012

Popcorn is tops

According to a paper presented yesterday at the 243rd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), popcorn is the king of snacks.

It’s not only got terrific whole grain fiber, but it’s also loaded with anti-oxidants, in fact popcorn is more concentrated with anti-oxidants, if you believe these guys, than fruits and veggies, which are mostly water, after all, while popcorn is not.

The downside?

Well, besides, those kernels getting stuck in your teeth (the report didn’t mention those but I think it matters), there’s the way we generally prepare popcorn, that is, with a maximum of oil and salt, especially the kind you get in movie theatres, which is about as far removed from being a healthy snack as I am from being (mis)taken for George Clooney.

If, however, you use a minimum of salt and oil, and especially if you use healthy oils, then you’ve got what these people called the perfect snack.

Is it too soon to offer them a Nobel Prize?