Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Chocolate instead of lipitor?

In a small, terrific study for which I would have volunteered instantly, 31 people were assigned (over 2 weeks) randomly to consume a daily serving (about a whole bar) of either two forms of dark chocolate (70% cocoa), or white chocolate (0% cocoa, so it’s more of a candy than chocolate).

Those lucky people who got to eat the real thing had – and I’d like to trumpet this - lower blood glucose, lower LDL levels, and TA DA - higher HDL levels.

All of which would make chocolate a better lipid “drug” than even the most powerful statins.

Now clearly, chocolate has downsides – lots of it is made with too much sugar, it can add lots of calories to your daily intake, but you need your healthy treats, and a few hits of chocolate a week is not only a delight, it might also be very healthy for you.