Thursday, 27 June 2013

HCV testing for boomers

Important note for all baby boomers: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), which is a pretty conservative group in what it thinks needs doing, has just come out with a recommendation that all baby boomers be tested for hepatitis C (HCV).

Why now?

Because of "the strength of evidence on the benefits of HCV testing linked to care, treatments, and improved health outcomes”

In other words, according to the USPSTF (and according to most other experts, too), we have improved HCV therapy so much that it’s now worth – from both a persona perspective and as a benefit to society in terms of medical costs - finding it and treating it, thus significantly reducing the complications of HCV, which include cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer and liver failure.

And since the US CDC estimated that a couple of million Americans are HCV positive and don’t know it (applying similar numbers to Canada, which is probably accurate, would yield roughly 200,000 HCV Canadians who don’t yet know they carry this virus), on top of which the majority of those unknowing individuals are baby boomers, that’s the reason for this recommendation.

So if you’re a boomer, and especially if you ever experimented with IV drug use, even only once or twice, this is worth paying attention to.