Monday, 8 July 2013

Sleep and diet

If you’re overweight and you’re also tired all the time, the two are probably connected.

It’s long been observed that sleep problems lead to weight problems but it’s never been totally clear why this is so although my own observation – one test subject, namely me, is that when I’m tired, I tend to visit the fridge much more often, and it’s not because I’m looking for veggies.
Rather, in my case, it’s nearly always to check out the ice cream stash.

And two new studies show that I’m probably a prototype for why weight problems and tiredness from lack of sleep are connected.

In one study, a small group of healthy volunteers were sleep deprived by getting locked in a sleep lab for a few days.

The researchers found that those subjects ate significantly more calories when sleep deprived than they did when fully rested.

In a second study, researchers have noted – this will shock you, I’m sure - that sleep deprived teens tend to eat more junk food and not more veggies when they’re tired.

What could be more tempting, eh, than to advise that if you want to watch your weight, you should sleep it off, although that’s also obviously very hard for many people to do in our stress-filled, hurry-up world.