A review of hundreds of studies published in the journal, Pediatrics, has concluded that routine
immunizations in childhood are safe, although there are, of course, rare
“negative” reactions and complications,
as there are with any medical “procedure” or exchange, even with
so-called “natural” therapies.
Is that going to end the debate over immunizations?
Of course not because most of the people opposed to vaccinations – the
great majority of them, in fact - will very likely refuse to believe anything
that doesn’t conclude that their view – that vaccines cause damage – is the
right one.
In fact, a study from a few months ago concluded that “positive”
reports about some medical issues that people are opposed to does absolutely
nothing to dissuade the non-believers and indeed of ten just acts as a
reinforcement for their opposing view, sort of “see? What did I tell you? They
are all in it together lying to us.”
So very sadly, we will likely never wipe out diseases that we should
have wiped out by now.