Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Your doctor is often not as concerned about your blood pressure as you should be

In a study published in the September 24, 2012 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine and in which researchers analyzed several million doctor visits in the US, the researchers concluded that only 19.5 % of visits that involved uncontrolled high blood pressure (HBP) resulted in a change in prescription for that patient.

In other words, over 80 % of people who visit American doctors and who have uncontrolled HBP get their problem treated with adequate attention.

All of which is a strong reminder of two things: 1) you are your own best doctor meaning that no one else will worry about your health – and help you analyzed the steps you need to improve whatever’s ailing you – more than you will, and 2) if you do happen to have HBP, get it checked very regularly (if you don’t visit the doctor regularly, make sure to check it elsewhere like on those machines that so many pharmacies now have, and at the very least, be sure to have you doctor check it during your irregular office visits to him/her) and if it remains stubbornly high, make sure to ask what other measures you can take to control you BP – such as perhaps adding in another medication since you are surely doing all the necessary healthy lifestyle things to keep your BP down.