The basic conclusion of a recent study on
risk factors for cancer shouldn’t surprise anyone who has paid any attention to
any of the health items I keep blogging at you: healthy living lowers the risk
of cancer.
What may surprise, though, is just how much
lower that risk is.
And how few people meet all the goals.
So, a study published online in Circulation:
Journal of the American Heart Association concluded that people who follow at least 6 of the 7 “healthy heart”
guidelines endorsed by the American Heart Association reduce their risk of
cancer by a whopping 51 %.
But the
interesting thing is that even those who follow only a few of the guidelines
still lower their risk of cancer, albeit less than that 51 %.
So what
are those guidelines? Same-old, same-old
Not smoking
Maintaining a
normal blood sugar levels
Maintaining a
normal blood pressure
Being active
Having a normal
cholesterol profile
Eating a
heart-healthy diet
And maintaining a
normal body weight
The sad thing, though, is that according to
some other data about to be released, only 1 out of 1000 adults (in the US)
manages to achieve those goals.