I don’t know how many times I’ve written an
item about yet another benefit from drinking coffee, but it’s lots of times,
for sure.
Well, guess what?
Here’s comes another time, and this time
it’s a benefit that comes to you when someone else is drinking lots of coffee.
So, in a study published online in BMJ
(used to be known as the British Medical
Journal) Australian researchers who looked at over 1000 drivers involved in
road crashes concluded that drivers who drink caffeinated coffee are much less
likely to be involved in an MVA than uncaffeinated drivers.
Yup, coffee does help keep you awake, not
only because of the caffeine, which surely does keep you more alert but also in
part, I think, because it makes sure you have to run to the toilet more often.
Coffee is a health drink – especially when
you’re on the road and the trucker behind
you has had enough coffee to lower his risk of bumping into you.