Wednesday, 2 October 2013

All that money you pay for health care...

All that money we pay for health care in developed nations does pay off.

According to a very interesting study (PURE study) from the world-class researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton that compared how people with heart disease fared around the world, people in developed nations have more key risk factors for heart disease than people in less developed nations, which is not that much of a surprise, I think.

What is surprising, though, is that despite their more common and more severe risk factors, people in more developed nations have on average significantly less severe cardiovascular disease than people who live in less well developed nations.


Well, these researchers speculate that it’s our better access to good quality health care, which among many other benefits means more emphasis on treating early forms of heart disease, such as, for example, early and easy access to drugs like statins.

Anyway, it’s nice to know that we’re getting something back for all that money we spend, although it’s pretty easy to see that we could still do a much better job of managing those expenses.