Wanna take good care of your prostate?
Sure you do, unless you’re female.
Well, if you want to make sure that your prostate doesn’t
get you in the end, forget PSA testing: yet another recent large review
presented at the European Cancer Congress has concluded that the risks for
average men significantly out-weigh the benefits.
So according to this review, whereas PSA screening will
reduce the number of men who die from prostate cancer by about 1 in 1000 who
get tested, false positive test results will cause 12 additional cases of
impotence, 3 of incontinence, at least several infections, some of which will
land those guys in ICU, and lead to the death of 1 in 10000 men as a
But don’t get too down because another study found that men
can reduce their risk of dying from prostate cancer by following 6 healthy
habits, and the more of them they follow, and the longer they do that, the
lower their risk of lethal prostate cancer.
And no surprise: those 6 healthy habits are the same-old,
same-olds: 3 nutritional habits – eat less processed meat, more fish, and the
biggie: more tomatoes – as well as not smoking, doing some exercise, and
maintaining a healthy weight.
And best of all, guys, what’s good for your bak end is good
for the rest of you, too.