Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Brain function with age

The bad news is that brain functions really do decline as we age, or as the researchers in a study published in the journal, Psychology and Aging, your brain “slows” with age

But before that depresses the hell out of all you aging baby-boomers, that doesn’t mean that your decision-making abilities shrink, too.

In fact, in this study of roughly 400 people, half of whom were under the age of30, the rest over 65 and up to 82, the researchers concluded that the older folks actually “out-thought” the younger ones in terms of problem-solving that involves fluid intelligence, what we use to make decisions.

Or as they put, older participants performed just as well or better than the younger participants in all decision-making measures.


Older folks were, as you’d expect, way more patient on average, hence they could think the problems through more thoroughly.

Older people also drew on their life experience, and clearly, they had a major advantage in this over the still-wet-behind-the-ears kids.