Monday, 13 August 2012

Shift work is bad for your health but not by that much

The headlines accompanying a recent study in the British Medical Journal made it sound as if shift workers should immediately contact their lawyers to make sure their wills are in order and to order up as much life insurance as they could possibly muster because shift work, the headlines screamed, is bad bad bad for a person’s health.

But if you’re a shift worker and if those headlines haven’t yet scared you into suffering a heart attack or worse, relax because the study was not nearly as condemnatory of shift work as you might have been led to believe.

Thus, while in this study which combined the findings from 34 other studies, shift word was indeed associated with about a 25 % higher risk of heart attack and a roughly 5 % higher risk of stroke, there was no increased risk of death in shift workers.

In fact, the researchers described the negative effects of shift work as “modest” and when you look more closely at the numbers, the kind of increased risk of heart attack and stroke is easily mitigated by doing more exercise.