Two recent studies about menopause that are worth noting.
The first study (published in the journal, Menopause) was done on 92 women
experiencing hot flashes, and the researchers concluded that for
mild-to-moderate hot flashes, regular aerobic exercise was able to offer some
It didn’t work in everyone, of course, but still not much
to lose by trying it because there’s really nothing else that works well,
except for hormones, which carry some well-known risks.
The second study involved roughly 2500 women followed who
had gone through menopause, and the researchers concluded that an early
menopause – defined as menopause before the age of 46 – was linked to a
two-fold increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
In other words, women who experience an early menopause
might want to add that factor to the other risk factors they have for
cardiovascular problems.