Tuesday 3 July 2012

Your muscles and your bones

Want yet another reason to get fit early in life?

OK, here’s one from a recent study in the journal, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

These researchers looked at roughly 600 people of all ages and concluded that bone strength is directly related to muscle mass in certain locations.

In English, that means that the more fit you are, the more muscle you build up, the stronger your bones.

Why does that matter?

Because as we age, fractures from osteoporosis and falling are two major risks for significant morbidity (translation: if you fall, you can suffer pretty ugly complications such as brain injuries and broken bones which lead to other complications like deep vein clots), and mortality (translation: over 20 % of seniors who suffer a broken hip will die as a direct result of that fracture).

Common sense: build your muscles up before you start losing them, that is, in your middle years (or even earlier, if you can).