So yet another study has concluded that – as opposed to
popular myth, especially, I think, in the young and hip areas of cities such as
Kitsilano in Vancouver where every young person seems to have a plastic water
bottle tattooed to their side, there’s absolutely no evidence of any benefit –
no benefit at all – from drinking a prescribed amount of water although this
study focussed mainly on athletes and not on the general public, who would
probably need even less water than people who work out a lot.
In fact, this author of study published in the BMJ Open concluded that too much water
intake by athletes (so many of whom feel they must keep gulping water during a
race whether they are actually thirsty or not)
is actually a greater hazard to them than too little water intake and
that “humans have been misled . . . to believe that they need to drink to stay
ahead of thirst”.
So repeat after me: there is no proof – there is no proof
– that anyone has to drink – that anyone has to drink – a set amount of water –
as set amount of water – at any time – at any time.
So, good bye 8 cups of water a day.
And hello, drink only when you’re thirsty.
And while you’re at it, replace a lot of that water with
coffee cuz coffee is a real health drink, water, meh.