Friday, 6 July 2012

Mediterranean makes more Moms?

A small study (147 patients) from Europe determined that women undergoing IVF treatments and who were also eating a diet higher in mono-unsaturated fats (the old Mediterranean style diet) were three times more likely to get pregnant in this program than were women who ate a diet higher in saturated fats (the old much more standard North American type of diet).

The head researcher commented that there was no reason to believe that the same results would not apply to women trying to get pregnant without the help of IVF therapy, in other words, that a Mediterranean style diet might be helpful to any woman trying to get pregnant.

Not to mention that better diets have been linked to fewer fertility problems in men as well.

All in all, then, pretty simple conclusion: for any couple trying to get pregnant, eating well is a simple technique to maximize those odds.